Move Over, Green Bean Casserole—There’s a New Game in Town.
It’s safe to say that most of us have a soft spot for old-fashioned green bean casserole—it’s a nostalgic dish, and a Thanksgiving classic. But—and you knew that there was a “but” coming, right?—this year we’re feeling a little more ambitious. Fresh green beans are only slightly more work than canned, and their satisfying snap is a lively addition to just about any meal—holiday or otherwise.

Impress Your Friends—Tell Them You Made Green Beans Almondine.
Because you did! “Green beans almondine”—spelled ‘amandine’ in French, but typically spelled “almondine” in American cook book—is a classic French preparation, and the word “almondine” is just a culinary term for garnishing with almonds. Toasted almonds, with their delicate crunchy texture, are a perfect foil for our garlicky green bean recipe. The resulting side dish is as elegant as it is simple—which is to say, very. While you’re filling your table with scratch made classics, our homemade Pumpkin Pie is a real treat.

3 Ingredients & Not a Can in Sight.
While these sautéed green beans make for a fast and delicious side dish any night of the week—and just about any time of year!—they’re one of our favorite Thanksgiving upgrades. Just three, whole ingredients (we’re not counting oil and salt—those are a given) and an unbelievably quick preparation make it a refreshingly healthy, wholesome addition to your holiday menu. All you’ll need for this green bean recipe is:
- Green beans. Also known as string beans or haricots verts, look for a vibrant green hue and a strong “snap” to ensure freshness.
- Garlic. Lots of it—3-4 cloves to be exact.
- Slivered almonds.

How to Cook Green Beans
Cooking green beans is a breeze. You don’t have to do much prep—especially if you have the ability to delegate the green bean trimming to the tiny members of your household—garlic green beans are about speed and celebrating the vibrancy and satisfying crunch of fresh string beans. Here’s how to make it:
- Toast the slivered almonds that make these green beans "amandine"!
- Sauté the green beans in your favorite skillet.
- When the beans take on an even brighter green hue and soften, add the garlic cloves.
- Sprinkle with almonds and salt to taste.
- Serve!

Tools You’ll Need
Looks Like We Have Kind of a Thing for Green Beans.
Now that you mention it, we do share a lot of green bean recipes. Here are four of our faves:
Team Green Bean!
This super vegetable is too often overlooked, or served as an afterthought. We hope this easy green bean recipe lures you over to team green bean. If you make these garlic green beans almondine, let us know how you like them! Snap a photo of your green beans and tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!