Chicken Fajitas That Are Ready When You Are.
Whether you treat this simple chicken fajita recipe as a freezer meal and make it way ahead of time, or you whip it up for dinner tonight, it’s one of the easiest recipes ever. Spiced, but not spicy, pretty balanced—chicken breast! Colorful veggies!—and requiring just 10 minutes of prep time, it’s as straightforward as can be. Oh, and delicious, too. The key to its deliciousness? Homemade Taco Seasoning! Sure, you could use store-bought. But making it yourself takes all of 30 seconds, and results in a much more flavorful taco seasoning (in this case, chicken fajita seasoning) that also (bonus!) has no preservatives or scary, sodium-laden additives. Yay for that. And for a more classic, weeknight take on fajitas, check out our Chicken Fajitas.

Your Freezer Chicken Fajita Ingredient Checklist:
Nothing too tricky here! Juicy peppers, chicken, and a three-ingredient marinade team up to make a freezer meal that everyone will love, whenever you decide to serve it. You’ll need:
- Chicken breast.
- Taco seasoning. You can use store-bought, or try making homemade taco seasoning yourself!
- Olive oil. Just regular olive oil is perfect for this recipe! No need to use extra virgin.
- Fresh lime juice.
- Peppers. We call for one red, one yellow, and one green, but only because we love the bright colorful burst they provide. But it’s fine to use whatever bell pepper you like or already have on hand.
- When you’re ready to serve the chicken fajitas, you’ll need small tortillas, avocado, salsa, sour cream.

How to Make Chicken Fajitas Ahead of Time (or Not!)
You don’t have to freeze these chicken fajitas! If you want to mix up this sheet pan chicken fajita recipe and bake it right away, you can totally do that. BUT! This recipe is such a killer freezer meal, that today we’re focusing on it’s glorious freeze-ability. Here’s how to make it:
- Slice the chicken breast into strips. Pro tip! Chicken breast is easy to slice if you do two things: freeze the chicken breast slightly, and make sure your knife is really, really sharp.
- Make your fajita marinade! Mix together the lime juice, oil and taco seasoning in a bowl large enough to hold the chicken, onion and peppers (so that you don’t have to dirty extra bowls.)
- Toss the sliced chicken breast, peppers and onions in the marinade. NOTE: If you’re going to bake the fajitas the same day, leave the chicken mixture to marinate for at least an hour in the fridge.
- Freezer bag time! Dump the chicken fajita mix into a freezer bag, and do your best to squeeze all of the air out as you seal the bag to help prevent freezer burn.
- Freeze! We like to flatten the bag out as much as possible, so it’s easy to store. Frozen chicken fajitas will last for nine months in the freezer—be sure to mark the bag with the date you made the frozen fajita mix, so you know when to use it by.

Tools You’ll Need:
- Large bowl for mixing.
- Sharp knife.
- Freezer bags.
- Sharpie! Labeling those freezer meals is SUPER important. Label the bag with the recipe title + (most of all) the date you froze it. Again, because the chicken fajita mix is frozen raw, it will keep in the freezer for up to 9 months. You can always double check freeze times here.
Our 3 Favorite Freezer Meals
Anyone else feel instantly more relaxed when they take a mental inventory of their freezer and remember that it’s fully stocked with make-ahead meals? Or is that just us? In addition to these chicken fajitas, we keep our freezer stocked with:

Make Mine a Double
And by double we mean double BATCH of chicken fajitas. Because why not have two dinners ready to go instead of just one? With a recipe this easy, and a freezer time of nine whole months, we usually mix this one up by the double (or even triple) batch. We hope it’s as big of a hit for you as it is for us! Let us know how you like our fajita recipe! Snap a photo and tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!