Best After-School Snack Ever.
Work is hard, school is hard. But our zucchini bread recipe is EASY! Actually, it’s easy in a lot of ways—easy to make, and easy to love. Baking a batch of this zucchini bread—which we humbly present to you as the BEST zucchini bread recipe on earth—will make your house smell like a home, and it’ll make whoever you share them with feel special as only a warm-from-the-oven zucchini muffin can. One steaming, cinnamon-scented bite rights the wrongs of the day.

A Healthy, Easy Zucchini Bread Recipe You’ll Have Memorized in No Time
We’ve been known to mix things up, but when it comes to zucchini bread, we want simple and classic, and maybe a little healthy, too. If you’re a regular home baker, you’ve probably already got all of the zucchini bread ingredients in your pantry. You’ll just need:
- Flour
- Salt
- Baking soda & baking powder
- Cinnamon
- Eggs
- Sugar
- Oil
- Vanilla
- Zucchini

How To Make Zucchini Bread
Zucchini bread or zucchini muffins—whichever way you decide to enjoy this healthy zucchini bread recipe, it comes together fast, just like any other quick bread recipe. Here’s how to make it:
- Sift the dry ingredients!
- Whisk the wet ingredients.
- Combine the wet and dry ingredients—this is the moment to be careful about over-mixing. Stir the ingredients together, but just enough to combine them. Once the zucchini muffin mixture looks uniform, stop mixing.
- Fold in the grated zucchini.
- Bake! If you’re using muffin tins, the bake time is fast, which is really nice if you’ve got hungry mouths clamouring for a snack. If you prefer a sliceable zucchini bread loaf, bake time will be longer.

Tools You’ll Need :
- Two 12-muffin tins or two loaf pans—this recipe can be used to make zucchini muffins OR zucchini bread loaves.
- A large bowl.
- A box grater or grater attachment for your food processor.
- Measuring cups.
- Measuring spoons.
- Spoon for stirring.
Three Easy Zucchini Recipes:
If you’re trying to use up a windfall of zucchini—always a good problem to have—try these savory zucchini recipes, too!

Zucchini Bread vs. Zucchini Muffins—May the Best Bread Win.
Which did you make—zucchini bread or zucchini muffins? This recipe works for either. Let us know how it worked out for you! Snap a photo, and tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!