Get Ready to Party With The Best Low Country Boil Recipe
A low country boil is part of a long tradition of seafood preparation that originated in various regions of the coastal United States. Our recipe calls for Old Bay, the iconic American spice blend, which imparts notes of mustard, paprika, and celery salt as everything cooks in one big pot. The low country boil is the style best known in South Carolina, and its primary ingredients are shrimp and sausage, potatoes and corn. Other regional varieties swap the seafood element–crawfish or crab (in Louisiana), and clams or lobster (in the Northeast). Anyway you cook it up, you’ll have a great reason to gather together for a real feast as this recipe is easy to scale up for a hungry crowd of seafood lovers.

What To Serve With a Low Country Boil
This one pot meal contains fish, meat, and veg all in one place, but crusty bread is always a good idea. You can serve everything with a side of our Homemade Cocktail Sauce or Garlic Aioli for dipping delight. And in case you need a little crunch with your meal, our Simple Green Salad with Shallot Vinaigrette is a great addition.

How To Cook a Low Country Boil
Don’t sweat the small stuff! Line up all of the prepared ingredients in the order they will be added to the pot, and you’ll glide through this like melted garlic butter.
Start your engines, or in our case, bring stock and seasoning to a boil in a big ol’ pot!
Add the potatoes first (because they need the longest cooking time), and cook for 2 minutes.
Next up is onions and sausage, cooking for another 8 minutes. A note on the best sausage to use for a low country boil: we love a smoked variety such as andouille or garlic sausage for extra flavor!
Add the corn for 3 more minutes in the steamy pot.
The final layer, and frankly why we’re all here, is the shrimp, which will cook until pink, about 3 more minutes.
Once you’ve strained everything, you can serve on a platter or directly on a paper-lined tabletop. Tuck into this perfectly Old Bay-scented medley with melted butter and dipping sauces.

Tools You’ll Need: Hint, It’s Mostly One Big Pot
You’re definitely going to need a large stock pot to give everything enough space to cook. We especially love a stockpot that has a built-in strainer!
A mixing bowl for the pièce de résistance: melted garlic butter
And a knife for light chopping
Encore Shrimp, Corn, And Sausage, Please!
If this low country boil whet your appetite for this combination of ingredients, here’s some other great shrimp, sausage, and corn recipes we love:

How Much Fun Was That?
We can’t help but smile everytime we eat this meal. Snap a photo of your low country boil and maybe even a video of the beautiful people you feed it to. Tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!”