Hello, Grilled Rib Eye. Meet Your New BFF, Italian Salsa Verde.
Rib eye is not a cheap cut of steak—we’ll just get that one out of the way right at the start. This grilled rib eye recipe is luxurious, it’s a splurge any which way you slice it. And when you shell out your hard-earned money for a fancy cut of steak, you want to be sure that you absolutely cook it perfectly and serve it just-so. This recipe is the only rib eye recipe you’ll ever need, if we may be so bold. With a high-end cut of steak like rib eye, you must resist the temptation to do anything to it—just buy a really great steak and treat it with a light hand. However, once you’ve got that steak perfectly grilled—and we’ll walk you through how to do that— serve it with a fresh and simple sauce that serves as a bright and bracing contrast to all the richness rib eye steak delivers, and you’ll be in steak dinner heaven. Plus, people can drizzle as much or as little of this anchovy-flecked, herby salsa verde on to their juicy steak as they’d like, so it’s a great meal for a crowd.

What Is A Rib Eye Steak?
A rib eye steak is a relatively expensive cut of steak that’s also known as an entrecôte or Delmonico steak. It’s cut from an area of the cow called the “primal section”, which is between the cow’s shoulders and the cow’s loin. There are actually a few kinds of rib eye steak, but all of them come from ribs six through twelve, all are marbled with fat and should be tender and rich when cooked. Look for rib eyes that are brilliantly dark red in color—not pink-ish red—and are marbled with fat that is creamy-white, not yellowing.

How To Grill Rib Eye Steak
A great steak deserves the royal treatment—the same kind of royal treatment that the people who are about to eat that steak are going to enjoy! Treat it with kindness and gentleness. With a great rib eye, there’s no need for marinades or other fussiness—you did the bulk of the “work” of making a perfect steak by buying a great cut. Now you just have to not mess it up. That’s where we come in! Here’s how to grill that gorgeous rib eye:
- Season the steaks generously with salt and pepper. It’s all they need!
- Grill over hot coals or on a gas grill set to "high" for about six minutes per side for a 1-inch rib eye. Once the steak hits the grill, don't move it around except to flip it—let the heat do its work.
- Have your instant-read thermometer handy! For a perfect medium-rare, look for an internal temp of 135°F.
- Once you see that 135°F, pull the steaks off the grill, fast.
- It's rest time! Put the jewel on the crown and give each steak a dollop of butter to soak up while they rest—give them about ten minutes. (Pssst. This is a good time to make the Italian salsa verde.)
- Dig in! Cut the steaks against the grain, and serve with that verdant, herby salsa verde.

Italian Salsa Verde—The Perfect Partner For Your Grilled Steak
Not to be confused with Mexican salsa verde, this Italian green sauce recipe is more in the realm of a chimichurri or French anchoïade —a garlic-and-oil-based sauce, loaded with fresh herbs that’s best for drizzling, not so much for dipping. Briny capers and anchovies give it a definitive saltiness that’s not for the faint of heart, and the tanginess of the vinegar pairs wonderfully with the fat-marbled bites of grilled steak. Here’s what’s in this pour-on-everything Italian salsa verde:
- Parsley
- Garlic
- Capers
- Anchovies
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- Red wine vinegar
- Red pepper flakes
- Lemons.

Tools You’ll Need
- A grill! You can use a gas grill or a charcoal grill for this—whatever you’ve got! Flame is flame.
- Grilling tongs.
- Food processor.
On A Roll? Here Are More Steak Recipes!
Don’t you love it when a special meal is also really easy to make? Whether we sear it on the stove or grill it, serving a big beautiful steak always feels like an occasion. Here are the four steak recipes we’ve been loving lately:

Let’s Get Grilling
Anyone else spend all summer grilling (and sometimes keep the grill-party going well into fall?). It’s just so easy! Barely any clean up, no hot oven, food gets all smoky and delicious—it’s just a win, win, win. We hope you’re as into this grilled rib eye steak recipe as we are! If you try it out, let us know! Snap a photo and tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!